Exploring Tourism in Eritrea
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Elaberet Agricultural Estate

Keren, Eritrea

Elabered, is a beautiful agricultural center 25 kilometers from Keren, famous for its oranges, mango trees, tomatos and hundreds of Dutch cows, providing milk and meat to the region.

One can walk for several hours, crossing the meadows and visit an Old Italian farm. De’Nadai was a famous Italian who has established the rich agricultural plains in Elabered. His products were export oriented. He used to produce all kinds of citrus fruits. He had also milk and tomato paste factory. He used to own three small merchant vessels that use to regularly sail to Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

Elabered also was the scene of heavy fights in 1977. Lots of rusty military hardware defaces the so beautiful landscape with its green hills, fruit trees and huge stones.

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